Knowledge-Based Single-Chain Protein Design

Knowledge-Based Single-Chain Protein Design

With the support of our advanced protein engineering platform established for many years, Creative BioMart has adopted de novo design strategies to completely redesign single-chain protein structures, containing the desired size or fold type, can be used as a building block for larger, more complex assemblies as well as new types of assemblies. Our scientists provide you with fully customized knowledge-based single-chain protein design service.

Conceptual and computational advances have enabled various protein folding geometries to be engineered with atomic precision, including protein folds not seen in nature. Single-chain protein design can be viewed as a reverse-folding problem of proteins, where the goal is to find an amino acid sequence compatible with a given backbone fold. De novo design strategies are designed to design proteins with atomic precision for specific functions by specifying structural features and the number of secondary structural elements, while neither the backbone nor the sequence is fully specified. Currently de novo designed single-chain protein structures can be used for larger, more complex assemblies and building blocks for new types of assemblies. Furthermore, a variety of complex, high-precision polycyclic systems, such as single-chain dumbbells and hairpins, have been prepared by single-chain techniques through covalent and supramolecular interactions.

Examples of several de novo designed single-chain proteins.Fig 1. Examples of several de novo designed single-chain proteins. (Ljubetič A, et al., 2017)


With the wider availability of synthetic DNA and advances in macromolecular structural characterization, ranging from small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), X-ray crystallography to cryo-electron microscopy. De novo design of single-chain protein structures yields remarkable results. Creative BioMart is committed to designing knowledge-based single-chain protein, where protein folding geometries are precisely engineered with defined sizes and compositions. And optimizing single-chain protein stability through linker length and compositional mutagenesis. In addition, we assemble individually folded proteins into single-stranded nanostructures with tailored structures and high stability via site-specific covalent linkage, with many potential applications in catalysis, sensing, signal processing, and drug delivery.

The sampling of different backbones is usually achieved either by assembling them from fragments or by describing backbones parametrically. We take the following approaches to design single-chain protein to meet the specific requirements of our customers:

  • ɑ/β folds: we were able to fit cavities in some protein designs. A larger ɑ/β structure is obtained by fusing two ɑ/β designs.
  • Repeat proteins: our scientists worked to devise a general computational method for designing repetitive proteins, based on the simultaneous modification of all repetitive sequences. We have successfully designed helix-loop-helix repeat proteins with various geometries, as well as repeat proteins with closed structures (zero axial displacement).
  • Coiled-coil protein origami (CCPO): we design self-assembled nanostructures by concatenating dimeric helix-helix structural elements with orthogonal binding preferences into a single polypeptide chain.

Service Principle

Creative BioMart is based on innovative, pragmatic and honest, adhering to the tenet of "Quality is our life, providing customers with the best quality service", providing customized services to customers around the world.

We will be glad to discuss details of intended interaction studies with you and develop experimental strategies/methods tailored to your requirement. Our customer service representatives are enthusiastic and trustworthy 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to discuss in detail.


  1. Ljubetič A, Gradišar H, Jerala R. (2017) Advances in design of protein folds and assemblies. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 40: 65-71.
For research or industrial use, not for personal medical use!